You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2008.

no time for working on the surf hoodie yesterday, as i spent much of the afternoon taking photos for the hairball audio website. here are my favorites.

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the apres surf hoodie from the most recent interweave knits magazine is a knitting pattern i fell in love with instantly, and i knew right away that i wanted to knit it and i needed to cast on as quickly as humanly possible. this is really rare for me. typically, i don’t really fall in love with a pattern until i’ve seen it on a few people. but, this one, i had to start right away.

i immediately tracked down the yarn, rowan cashcotton 4ply in the peppermint colourway, and bought my needles. i cast on for the swatch with in minutes of the magazine arriving in my mailbox.

at the same time, i’ve been following a thread on the stash and burn group at ravelry regarding project monogamy. for the last few years, i have not been a monogamous knitter. i usually have three or four projects on the go at one time. i had noticed last fall when i completed two sweaters in relatively quick succession, that i did seem to get more accomplished when i focused on one project, but quickly forgot. i’m surprised how many people said they were able and actually liked (!) having only one wip, and i thought i’d go ahead and give it a go with the surf hoodie.

now i remember why monogamy is so hard. i’ve finished the back and about 75% of the front, which is about when i hit the dreaded knitting slog. the part of the project where i have a good chunk of it done, the lace repeat is burned in my brain, and now i just want to wear it. last night i almost didn’t knit at all because i didn’t want to work on the hoodie and i’m too stubborn to work on something else since i promised i’d stay faithful to the hoodie until the end.

Arpes Surf back progress 5.13.2008

at least i have the hood construction to look forward to, something i’ve not done in a knitting project yet. but, those damn sleeves, i am dreading the sleeves.

for a while now, i’ve wanted to start a blog as an outlet for posting photographs. with new camera in hand, i totally geeked out on sunday and started this thing. now i’m remembering why i was always hesitant to start a blog and why my first attempt failed. i’m lacking focus and blogs without focus usually don’t interest me. i don’t want to write about myself and the boring stuff i do day to day. i do love a good blog with a focus, like jess’s blog about her move to LA or any one of the many knitting blogs that i read from time to time. i anticipate this will end up being some photos, some knitting, and some other crap thrown in for good measure. we’ll see…

here’s a photo for today. this is bailey. she served as my model for playing with my camera over the weekend.


i think i’m going to have to fiddle with my photos and flickr. this looked much better, imo, before whatever compression flickr does occurred.

yay! a new (old) camera deserves a new home on the ‘net.

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i'm chris. i knit and spin a lot. i cook and eat food grown and made locally. i fail at the "local" part more than i'd like. i am learning to be a gardener. i'm in love with two pitbulls and an advocate for the breed.

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